Let's Have What They're Having, Shall We? Fun v. Stagefright

Recitals have long been the standard for touting the progress of music students. They're a requirement for taking piano lessons or voice lessons. We did them. If you're a studio parent, you likely did them. And you probably spent just as much time terrified of performing as us. For. Years. Stagefright...it's a killer. But, have you seen pictures or videos of kids performing and they're actually having fun doing it? They're not a mythical unicorn student, they're given different opportunities, ones that elicit bright, sparkling smiles.Enter different opportunities. We have completely changed our recital structure from two formal recitals per year to four casual, themed parties and one formal recital in the Spring. We already had an Ice Cream Social to end summer, Cupcakes and Costumes near Halloween, and are gearing up for the Ugly Christmas T-Shirt Party December 17th. The "Meet The Beatles" Concert is in March, and end the year with a Formal Spring Recital in May.  Along the way, will be performance labs so budding pianists and singers can dazzle each other in a small setting that's safe and 100% encouraging. Together, the increased frequency of performance opportunities and relaxed, playful atmosphere give students the chance to literally abolish stagefright and gain immeasurable confidence.You may ask: why do this if  formal recitals have always been the benchmark for measuring success? Because elation is the benchmark for success here.  Joy. Smiles. Happiness. Excitement. Creativity. FUN. That's what you see in the videos of  enjoying performance. Let's have what they're having, shall we?


Formal Spring Recital Recap


First Annual Cupcakes and Costumes